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Entry Requirements - Non-Standard Route for Matured Students


Returning to education as a mature student (over 21) can be a rewarding yet challenging experience, especially for those without traditional academic qualifications. Fortunately, numerous UK universities offer non-standard entry routes tailored for individuals with valuable life and work experience.

Non-Standard Entry Routes:

1. Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL):

APL allows mature students to gain credits for knowledge and skills acquired through work, volunteering, or other experiences, which can then be applied towards an undergraduate degree.

2. Access to Higher Education Diplomas

These diplomas are equivalent to A-levels and are aimed at mature students lacking traditional qualifications. They cover various subjects and provide a pathway to undergraduate programs.

3. Foundation Year Programs

Designed for those who do not meet entry requirements, these programs help students develop the necessary academic skills to progress into an undergraduate degree.

4. Work Experience Entry:

This route enables mature students with substantial work experience to demonstrate their skills instead of relying on formal qualifications. Applicants must provide evidence of their experience and may undergo an interview.

Choosing the Right Route:

It's essential for mature students to research and select the non-standard entry route that best fits their circumstances. Each university may have different entry requirements, so checking specific details is crucial.


Non-standard entry routes provide mature students with flexible and accessible pathways into higher education. With the right support, individuals can leverage their life and work experiences to achieve their academic goals and unlock their potential.
